How I Wrote A Novel Without An Outline

How I Wrote A Novel Without An Outline

I’ve often referred to writing fiction without an outline as mining a story buried inside the earth of imagination. My friend Billie Hinton speaks of this concept with the metaphor of archaeology  She describes this process like excavation of a story. Each element...
Jealousy and the Writer

Jealousy and the Writer

You’ve probably read a few. They’re common on Amazon and other consumer book review sites. You’ll sometimes read them in respected print publications, too. They pick at elements of plot, character, setting, and pacing with razor-sharp talons. They...
We’re All the Next Big Thing

We’re All the Next Big Thing

Last November my friend Ian Barker tagged me in a blog hop of sorts called “The Next Big Thing.” I was still revising my novel, The Sword Swallower’s Daughter, and was rather busy with all kinds of other life, and I forgot about it. Truth. Then a couple of weeks ago...
Happy Pub Day to Dana Sachs

Happy Pub Day to Dana Sachs

I’ve met the coolest people through Twitter. Just recently I’ve come to know author Dana Sachs. Last December she threw a brilliant literary dinner party (#litdinner) during the Twitter Literary Festival. Then I learned she had a book coming out which...