A Prayer for Grandchildren

A Prayer for Grandchildren

Alex Tang, a Facebook friend I’ve never met, lives in faraway Malaysia, is a writer, a physician, a minister, and a wise man. He posted a prayer for his grandson that touched my heart this morning. I echo his wise words in sharing his prayer and dedicating it to...
Longing for Summer in California

Longing for Summer in California

Summer Sands Remember Summer dropping moment by moment to the base of a finite hourglass. Both of my children home together for the last time. Bittersweet. Summer sands remember joys of days long buried. Little hands dig moats protecting sandcastles and dreams....
On to 2016

On to 2016

I didn’t spend New Year’s day writing. I didn’t make a list of resolutions, either. I spent the day with my dear hubster, cooking, eating, playing with dogs, doing errands, napping, listening to football, and generally hanging out without an agenda. I do too little of...

Plants and Flowers

Click an image for a larger, full frame view. All images are copyright © Carolyn Burns Bass and may not be copied, shared or otherwise used in any form without written permission of the photographer (me).